Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
A Day in Oxford
Sat. night my friend Ashley told me about a great little spot about an hour and a half away... perfect for a Sunday Day trip! So I got up early, borrowed my friend Lindsay's camera... and hit the road for the home of Ole Miss! It was beautiful!
Hope you like the pic's =).. it was my first time playing with a good camera. Thanks Lindsay!
Hope you like the pic's =).. it was my first time playing with a good camera. Thanks Lindsay!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I should be a photographer
This is from earlier in the summer, I went cannoing in Memphis.. And
took some amazing pics. Well at least I thought so.
took some amazing pics. Well at least I thought so.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Vaca with Nicole
I know you think I travel a lot... But usually is somehow involves
work..when the opportunity came, I decided to roll with Nicole for a
few days at Hilton Head. I just read, relaxed, went to the beach, and
rode bikes. It was Awesome!! And from it I highly recomend the
1. Sea Pines Resort for their AMAZING customer service!
2. "the Hiding Place" by Corrie Tin Boom- amazing book that will
challenge you... Re-read it every year!
work..when the opportunity came, I decided to roll with Nicole for a
few days at Hilton Head. I just read, relaxed, went to the beach, and
rode bikes. It was Awesome!! And from it I highly recomend the
1. Sea Pines Resort for their AMAZING customer service!
2. "the Hiding Place" by Corrie Tin Boom- amazing book that will
challenge you... Re-read it every year!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Short and Sweet... but very heavy
This hit me with a reality check of how much further I should be going in my pursuit of God. Such simple points... but so deep in reality. So I thought I would share... this is from:
In the lengthy time that Dr. J. I. Packer afforded me to speak with him while we were recently together in Orlando, I asked him which theological issues he would commend young Christian leaders to study in order to be prepared for the next fifty years. His list was quite insightful:
1. Regeneration — He said that the doctrine of regeneration has not been fully appreciated by many who do not understand that to be born again with a new heart and new nature means that we have at our deepest level a new identity and new passionate desires for God’s Word and ways. He commended to all young Christian leaders a thorough study on the doctrine of regeneration.
2. God-Centered Theology — He said that theology today is rife with man-centered thinking so that the glory of God in all things is not the essence of what is taught to be faithfully Christian. The result, he explained, is that even Christians often live their lives for the supreme purpose of their perceived happiness, feelings, and satisfaction. Yet, biblical Christianity differs from the other religions of the world in that the desires and purposes of God override ours; we are not the number one priority, but rather God is.
3. Godliness Begins at Home — This point was both surprising and refreshing. I was expecting only weighty and complicated theological admonition from such a theological giant. However, his wise counsel on this point is well needed. Packer said that most Christians do not take seriously the biblical teaching that true Christian living begins first at home with one’s spouse, children, and grandchildren. Therefore, he implored young Christian leaders to begin their quest for maturity and holiness at home in relationship with their family.
4. Trinity — Packer stated that the fullness of the doctrine of the Trinity is not completely appreciated as it should be. The result, he said, is that some Christians have only a deep understanding of Jesus or the Holy Spirit so that they are guilty of what he called “Jesus-olatry” or “Holy Spirit-olatry” rather than a full love and worshipful appreciation of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.
In the lengthy time that Dr. J. I. Packer afforded me to speak with him while we were recently together in Orlando, I asked him which theological issues he would commend young Christian leaders to study in order to be prepared for the next fifty years. His list was quite insightful:
1. Regeneration — He said that the doctrine of regeneration has not been fully appreciated by many who do not understand that to be born again with a new heart and new nature means that we have at our deepest level a new identity and new passionate desires for God’s Word and ways. He commended to all young Christian leaders a thorough study on the doctrine of regeneration.
2. God-Centered Theology — He said that theology today is rife with man-centered thinking so that the glory of God in all things is not the essence of what is taught to be faithfully Christian. The result, he explained, is that even Christians often live their lives for the supreme purpose of their perceived happiness, feelings, and satisfaction. Yet, biblical Christianity differs from the other religions of the world in that the desires and purposes of God override ours; we are not the number one priority, but rather God is.
3. Godliness Begins at Home — This point was both surprising and refreshing. I was expecting only weighty and complicated theological admonition from such a theological giant. However, his wise counsel on this point is well needed. Packer said that most Christians do not take seriously the biblical teaching that true Christian living begins first at home with one’s spouse, children, and grandchildren. Therefore, he implored young Christian leaders to begin their quest for maturity and holiness at home in relationship with their family.
4. Trinity — Packer stated that the fullness of the doctrine of the Trinity is not completely appreciated as it should be. The result, he said, is that some Christians have only a deep understanding of Jesus or the Holy Spirit so that they are guilty of what he called “Jesus-olatry” or “Holy Spirit-olatry” rather than a full love and worshipful appreciation of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Here's the Deal....
Ok I know i NEVER write on my blog. But I enjoy reading everyone else's so much that I thought it might be fun to just reflect and write about it on my blog. Except I don't have a ton to reflect on... except for the fact that RACHELLE is leaving!
So the title of this post is in honor of my good friend Rachelle! Let's talk about her for a minute..
Rachelle is leaving Memphis for good this weekend, and this is a very sad thing! You see Rachelle was the VERY FIRST person I met in Memphis, that day Ben was showing me the office and when we got in the elevator Rachelle stuck her hand in the door to make sure that she got my phone number before I headed out for a conference in Philly. It was a good thing she "extended a hand" cause as soon as I got to Philly, i found out the people I had planned to stay with had put me in an abandoned bar in the middle of the hood (which is an entirely different story itself)... but Rachelle INSISTED (and if you know Rachelle... you know what I mean).. she INSISTED I stay with her and Cam in the cushy hotel downtown! So that began our friendship. The rest of the conference she introduced me to the few people she knew (few being understatement... probably if you are someone I have met in Memphis, it was through Rachelle introducing us). Everyone I met seemed to be Rachelle's most dear and precious friend (I am still trying to figure out how Rachelle makes every single person such a huge priority in her life)...
So over the past 2 years of living in Memphis... Rachelle has provided me a home in her apartment, provided wisdom and counsel when I ask, and and firm direction when I don't =), she's opened the opportunity for more friends than I know what to do with, she makes me laugh when i'm stressed, and has taught me to cry with those who cry. She has never told me what love means... she has walked it out every day in EVERY relationship God has brought her way!
So.. all this say, RACHELLE... I know God gets all the Glory for you, but NEVER believe your labor is in vain! You are an extraordinary example of a Godly woman who is faithful in the small ways! And the impact is IMEASURABLE. I never write these kinds of things (well really nothin on the blog =).. so know that I am not blowing smoke =)
IIIIIIII LLLLLOOOOOVVVVVVEEE YA RACHELLE! =).. and yes I will be planning a trip to come visit the KC
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Summer Update...
Well some have said that I don't write enough on the blog... so during
this afternoon of procrastination, I thought I would write something.
this afternoon of procrastination, I thought I would write something.
But words only go well with pics! So here are some pics with captions
of how the summer is going so far =)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
What an awesome morning!
I was able to visit my good friend from HS last night, katie Mcd, who
now lives in Canada! On the way back that told me a great coffee shop
in a cute town overlooking the water. I love these amazing spots
tucked away!
now lives in Canada! On the way back that told me a great coffee shop
in a cute town overlooking the water. I love these amazing spots
tucked away!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Must Read!
If I havnt already told you in person.. I HIGHLY recommend this book!
All women GO get it right now. Or order it online at amazon ($15 with
study guide)
All women GO get it right now. Or order it online at amazon ($15 with
study guide)
Friday, May 16, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Taken from Trip's Blog on Reach Records

This is a post from Trip's blog at Reach Records referencing his upcoming album 20/20... you can catch the real thing, and more at!
It really encouraged and challenged me.. so I am passing it on!
Why 20/20?
Reflections on Psalm 63
For those who don't know, my new album entitled 20/20 comes out soon. It'll be just over 2 years since ITOK when this new album will drop. Feels like forever though! Many people have asked me why 20/20? What's the significance of the title? Just to clarify, it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm 20 years old as some have guessed lol. In this short blog I'll try to briefly explain my reasoning behind the title.
One of my favorite passages in the Scriptures is Psalm 63. There may be nothing else I guard against more in my life than an intellectualizing of my faith. It's so easy (especially for someone built like myself who loves to read and to teach) to turn my relationship with God into learning facts and doing what those facts tell me to do. Biblical faith and love for God includes so much more than a mental assent, so much more than just agreeing with doctrines, and so much more than carrying out duties. In my own fight against these tendencies, I reflect on passages where saints in the Bible express a deep, heartfelt, sincere satisfaction in God. A sincere desire for and delight in the God of the Scriptures. I constantly plead with God to bring me to this point. Psalm 63 is one of those passages that has impacted me the most. Looking at the chapter these were some of my observations...
1. David yearns for God (vs. 1)
He doesn't just seek Him simply because He was told He was supposed to. But he actually desires Him. He thirsts for Him and he yearns for Him like a man dying of thirst in the desert. It's not simply that He'll take Him or leave Him. He can't live! He can't go on without tasting fellowship with His God. The first time I read this passage this really struck me. Do I thirst for my God like that? Do I feel as if I can't go on without tasting of His goodness?
The question following for me was, how does man get to the point where he yearns for God in this way? Well the text tells us. THEY SEE HIM.
2. David has seen God for who He is (vs. 2)
David's eyes have beheld the beauty of His great God! None of us have ever seen something that was so incredibly beautiful yet never desired to gaze upon it again. When we see something beautiful it captivates us and we long to take in its beauty again and again. This is the case with David. He has seen God and His great power and glory, and He can't take His eyes off of Him. He is blown away!
I now know, my thirst and desire for God depends on me gazing at His beauty in the Scriptures; beholding His great glory and taking it in. Of course we need the Spirit to open our eyes so that we can gaze upon God with eyes of faith. We also must pray fervently and depend on Him as we open the Scriptures, pleading with the Father to show us Himself as we open His Word. As the passage continues we find the result of seeing God for who He is....
3. He praises God with his lips (vs. 3)
4. He will bless God and lift his hands in His name (vs. 4)
5. He is satisfied with God (vs. 5)
6. He reflects on His goodness (vs. 6)
7. He sings for joy! (vs. 7)
8. His soul clings to Him (vs. 8)
9. He finds comfort in His protection (vs. 9, 10)
10. He rejoices in God (vs. 11)
My Prayer
May we come to the Scriptures not to learn more facts, or to learn wise phrases, or to find rules to follow, but to gaze upon God, and to learn to worship Him in the way He desires. For those of us who have received sight and come to faith in Jesus Christv , our vision is still blurred by our upbringing, our cultures. Who is this God? What does He expect from me? How do I relate to Him? The Word of God serves as our corrective lenses. My prayer is that we will cling to the Word, see the Lord more clearly, desire Him more than anything else, and serve Him with all our hearts. This is my goal with the new album. I pray God the Holy Spirit works through it and brings men to know Him better. I'm praying all the way up to and following the release on May 20th. Please join me in that.
Much Love
Monday, April 28, 2008
For 3 HOURS...
I sat on hwy I40 NOT moving!! Welcome to Memphis! After catching a
flight from Dallas to little rock at 7pm I got in my car about 9 pm..
Ready to get home. So I was pumped at 10:54 I was 12 miles away!
Wohoo.. Then at 11:05 we came to a stand still =(... Which we stood
still till 1:45am. Yep! I might as well drove from Dallas. During this
time I harrassed the police department threatening riots, and became
best friends with the Highway services dept girl, keri, who clearly
knew nothing but let me call her every 4 minutes! I became too
trusting, as usual, as I agreed to follow the guy in front of me on a
detour, which ended up putting us ahead 3 miles! Finally at 1:54 I
made it over the bridge! One more reason I ---- Memphis!
flight from Dallas to little rock at 7pm I got in my car about 9 pm..
Ready to get home. So I was pumped at 10:54 I was 12 miles away!
Wohoo.. Then at 11:05 we came to a stand still =(... Which we stood
still till 1:45am. Yep! I might as well drove from Dallas. During this
time I harrassed the police department threatening riots, and became
best friends with the Highway services dept girl, keri, who clearly
knew nothing but let me call her every 4 minutes! I became too
trusting, as usual, as I agreed to follow the guy in front of me on a
detour, which ended up putting us ahead 3 miles! Finally at 1:54 I
made it over the bridge! One more reason I ---- Memphis!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Babysitting Sloan with Mechelle
I think this is baby Washers first appearance on the blog... I babysat
him tonight and my friend Mechelle stopped by and hung out till we
could go study
him tonight and my friend Mechelle stopped by and hung out till we
could go study
Monday, April 7, 2008
This is what happens when the boss is gone for too long
Ben was out of town for wayyy too long, so we did some redecorating
and gave him his own office.. With everything he could need right at
his disposal.
and gave him his own office.. With everything he could need right at
his disposal.
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